What is the digital literacy?
Digital literacy is the ability to effectively and fluently use digital technologies for work, leisure or education purposes. This includes the ability to find, evaluate, utilize and create digital content. School students need to develop digital literacy skills as they will need them in their future careers. Many jobs now require applicants to have strong digital literacy skills and those who don’t may find it difficult to compete for jobs.
In the modern world, digital literacy is increasingly important, as the Internet and digital technology is slowly becoming an essential component of many people’s lives. As time goes on, more and more people are getting online, and utilizing these technologies in their everyday lives, whether for work, or in the home.
Why is digital literacy important?
Digital literacy is important to establishing your presence in the modern world. Lacking the ability to use digital technologies means that there are many things you simply cannot do or access. Possessing digital literacy allows you to improve the efficiency, access to things, fulfillment, and happiness in your life.
There are so many things that you gain by ensuring you become digitally literate, and we want to shed some light on them for you. This is not an extensive list by any means, as there are thousands of little ways you can improve your life by learning digital skills. Read on to learn some of the basic, everyday ways your life can be improved with digital literacy.
Why is it important for school students?
Even in school, digitally literate students have an advantage. They can use technology to research information more efficiently, communicate with their teachers and classmates more easily, and stay organized with digital tools such as calendars and to-do lists.
Digital literacy is a skill that is important for everyday use, job performance, and personal endeavors. Many digital skills used to be considered noteworthy or impressive, and are now seen as necessary or standard skills. If you don’t want to fall behind, you need to be proactive in your learning of digital technologies. Think of learning digital as an opportunity for learning how to make your life easier, rather than something you need to struggle through to keep up with.
The Advantages of Digital Literacy
According to Brian Wright (2015), there are several benefits of digital literacy:
1. Time Savings
If you do digital literacy, you will know a reliable source of information that can be
used as a reference for assignments and so on.
2. Learn Faster
If you want to find data or information it can be done quickly using only electronics
and if you do digital literacy, you will know a reliable source of information that can
be used as a reference.
3. Money Savings:
We don’t need to buy books or anything else. Nowadays, there is a lot of information
on the internet.
4. Always get the latest information
With the internet, information is easier to obtain.
5. Always connected
With digital technology, we can communicate and stay connected with anyone and
6. Make better decisions
With digital literacy, you know right from wrong so you can make good decisions.
7. Can get you a job
With digital literacy, you can add a lot of skills so you can get a job. For example,
Microsoft word skill, Microsoft excel skill, Microsoft power point skill, editing skill,
and so on.
8. Influencing the world
The dissemination of writing through the right media will contribute to the
development and changing dynamics of social life
At OIC Hub Coding School, we offer a variety of computer programming courses to build coding and programming skills. We take a straightforward approach, teaching real text-based code in a manner that even 7-year-olds can understand. This make it easier to learn irrespective of age and discipline.

- Frontend Web Development
- Backend Web Development
- Fullstack Web Development
- Mobile App Development
- Python Programming (for Data Science & Software Programming)
- Digital Marketing
Venue: 32, Asiwaju Omidiran Way, Orita- Sabo, Osogbo, Osun state.
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